
International Thespian Society Board Members

President –  Elilai

Elilai is so happy to be back in the theater after being gone for so long. She joined theatre freshman year on a limb because her cousin told her to. Wow is she lucky she took that advice and started theatre because here she is four years later, the President. She loves expressing herself through her hair. This is at least her 8th different hair color in three years. If you ever need anything feel free to reach out to her by email or in person.



Vice President – Marlee

Marlee is ecstatic to be back for her final year at HSTC. As a freshman, Marlee wouldn’t have believed that four years later she would be part of the ITS board calling the shots (Not really but she can dream). Being able to perform is Marlee’s pride and joy. She wants to go to UNC Greensboro to major in Theatre Education. If you ever need anything at all, feel free to reach out because she is happy to help in any way possible.



Communications Manager: Nikki

Nikki is so excited to be a part of the ITS board this year! She loves theatre and has tried multiple aspects of it including being a tech, actor, and director. If you have any questions about this year feel free to reach out through her email, the remind, or any of the HSTC social media and she will get back to you as fast as she can! A fun fact about Nikki is that she has a 15-year-old dog named Gretchen!!



Secretary – Angel

Angel is a junior and the ITS secretary for the 2021-2022 school year. She has been very active in theatre in high school and is excited to be on the ITS board this year. She also loves singing, acting, and cuddling with her adorable dogs. She is very excited to be back in school this year to help make ITS fun for everyone.



Marketing Director: Cooper

Cooper is a junior this year and has been a part of HSTC since the beginning of her freshman year. She loves being a part of the tech crew and her favorite role was as a production ambassador of The Hunchback of Notre Dame during the 2019-2020 school year. Cooper spends her free time reading, drawing, and walking her dogs. After high school, she would like to study wildlife biology in highschool



Treasurer: Ally

Ally is a senior who has been doing theatre for thirteen years. Her first show with HSTC was Treasure Island. She is super happy to be a student teaching beginning theatre. Her favorite thing about being back is being able to see and talk to everyone on a daily basis. Some fun facts are she can identify any Taylor Swift song within the first few seconds and she’s a Cancer with a Virgo moon and Scorpio rising.






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